Business Solutions

Business Solutions

2021 New Year’s ReSOLUTIONS

Jan 19, 2021
3 min read


2020 was a strange year, to say the least. Some clients of BHMK had a very successful 2020 despite challenging circumstances. Others had incredibly trying years due to COVID and its wide-ranging impacts on a cross-section of businesses and families. We are honored that so many trusted us during these times.

Move Forward | Grow | Solve

The pandemic caused loss, struggle, businesses to fail, and families to separate. It created political division, civil unrest, and anxiety about our once-shared vision of tomorrow. Through historic difficulties, it was (and continues to be) as important as ever to embrace the fundamentals of who we are, how we practice, and most importantly “why.”

At BHMK, we have a credo. A spirit that permeates from end-to-end within the walls of our office and touches each professional in all segments of the firm:

We do more than just give advice. We guide clients to Solutions.

Over 40 years ago, BHMK was founded on certain basic principles that we still embrace today:

  • That the first question to be answered is what is in our client’s best interest (devoid of how an action will enrich us a firm or create publicity).
  • That we are never satisfied with our successes and are committed to perpetual learning. That we never “arrive.” If we hit a goal, we simply set the bar higher.
  • That we are fiercely entrepreneurial, yet empathetic to our clients’ needs. That we give thoughtful consideration to whether “it would be worth it to me, if I were in your shoes.”
  • That we operate as a team, foster alternative thinking, and work hard to deploy resources in a manner that is both effective and economical. We strive always that our value will outpace our cost.
  • That we communicate with clients openly, frequently, and honestly. We must not shy away from harsh truths with our partners, our employees, or our loved ones, so we stand by the truth with our clients, too.

These tenets have made us successful for nearly half of a century, so we as a firm will never de-commit from them. In 2021, as we optimistically approach the end of this centenary viral pandemic, we look back in admiration at both the incredible strength that our clients have displayed and the successes that we played a small role in creating with them. We also gaze forward with continued grit and enthusiasm for how much stronger we can all become on the other side of this struggle.

Re-commitment to Our Lodestone Tenets

Our re-commitment to our lodestone tenets that have guided us for so long and through so many challenges drives us into this new year. These are our 2021 “Re#Solutions,” if you will.

We hope that as you pivot to the future, seek to build and scale, navigate difficult challenges, and protect your loved ones, that we will have the opportunity to serve as your north star, too. To not just give you advice, but to guide you toward hope– helping you solve and live with a sense of peace.

Our CEO: David Burleigh

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