As part of the CARES Act, $349 billion dollars was originally allocated to small businesses, initially as forgivable loans through the Paycheck Protection Program. Within 13 days, those funds were completely...
Continue ReadingWhen people decide to divorce, they typically know it will impact many facets of their life. They have probably thought about how to handle child custody or who should keep a shared home, and they have likely...
Continue ReadingEmployers in the city of Cincinnati will soon be prohibited from asking job applicants about their salary history. The new “Prohibited Salary History Inquiry and Use” ordinance, passed by Cincinnati City...
Continue ReadingAfter three years of back and forth discussion regarding the new limits of the Overtime Rule, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) has finally reached a conclusion. Their ruling will extend overtime pay to 1.3...
Continue ReadingAs Ohio businesses grow, owners may find themselves coming to a point at which they need to hire employees. This can be an exciting time because it means that the company is expanding, but it can also be...
Continue ReadingAfter three years of back and forth discussion regarding the new limits of the Overtime Rule, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) has finally reached a conclusion. Their ruling will extend overtime pay to 1.3...
Continue ReadingThinking about the future and making plans for your estate and health care years down the road can be difficult and anxiety-inducing. This is especially true for individuals who have chronic illnesses. If you...
Continue ReadingEnding a marriage means assessing details that many Ohio and Kentucky residents may not have considered before. For instance, individuals going through divorce need to understand how their income and other...
Continue ReadingPerhaps you never realized how consuming your divorce would be. Not only is it taking a great deal of your time, but you may find that it takes up much of your thoughts. Perhaps you are preparing for your...
Continue ReadingLeaving your family without a plan when you are unable to care for yourself or after you are gone will result in anxiety and confusion for your loved ones. Putting your wishes down on paper when it comes to...
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